
Supers have been around since the dawn of mankind in the form of legends, ancient heroes, supernatural killers, and the like are all examples of early manifestations of those powered beyond average. In the 1950’s the world had officially identified Supers with the first recognized superhero: Sir Justice. Pitched battles could be seen in many metropolitan areas as crime saw rapid decline, but with the rise of heroism, also came the arrival of villainy. Over the next 30 years, the battle between Supers on every side of the spectrum caused massive damage across the globe, and by the 1980’s the world was on the brink of destruction.

In December of 1988, the most influential members of organized villainy had approached the UN and presented the Equal Powers Act, which it stated that Villains will no longer engage in combat with non-powered forces such as the military and civilian police personnel. Countries will instead sponsor their own Supers as heroes that will combat crime and schemes on a meta human level, thus mitigating casualties. By 1990, this act had been adopted worldwide and the danger to the world was abated. 

In the year 2000, the CHUMP, Central Hall of Unified Metahuman Potential, was founded as a neutral international party to organize and facilitate metahumans in their respective endeavors. As well as keep tabs on all registered heroes and licensed villains. In modern times there has been such an influx of unlicensed Supers known as “Mercenary”, metahumans that have been recognized as a separate faction, but without a country or organized villainy to back them, they lack much in the way of resources.

Most recently in 2022, the main base for CHUMP was destroyed and operations have been relocated to Idyllwild, California.

This is where your story begins.

Pictured above: Central Hall of Unified Metahuman Potential Headquarters

The Founding Members of CHUMP

Sir Justice

Target B

Dr. Bad

The Ceding of Idaho

In 2005, the United states relinquished control of the state of Idaho to a race of underground beings. In return, the former state would produce potatoes for the United states at no cost for the foreseeable future. The only humans still living in what is now known as the Independent Nation-State of Tuberia" are a small embassy and a few select and trusted farmers.


Metahuman Health Care

In 2010, CHUMP aided in developing a "Satellite-Assist Focused Teleportation chip" or Saf-T chip that would transport a registered Super of any recognized faction to a medical center moments before death for resuscitation. All Supers have this chip installed upon registration and any attempt to remove this chip immediately transports the Super to the hospital.